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Kavat Vård Care and Nursing Homes, the first in Sweden to be CovidClean™ Certified!

Kavat Vård’s Persikan Care Home in Akalla, Stockholm Sweden, has taken the initiative to achieve the first Safe Care Homes CovidClean™ Certification from the internationally recognized Safe Cert Group. The CovidClean™ certification independently validates how Care and Nursing Homes maintain the highest hygiene standards in a pandemic environment.

- “I am delighted that our team has been able to prove that we run a hygienic care and nursing home to both our local and international standards by means of the CovidClean™ certification”, says operations manager Salar Amjadi.

The spread of covid-19 in the Stockholm area during the spring of 2020 was extensive and general knowledge of the virus at the time was limited. This contributed to a rapid spread of infection among the elderly who were in care. Now, more than a year later, a better knowledge and experience of how to deal with the virus has resulted in better routines and working methods have been developed and care is much better equipped.

- “When we at Kavat Vård heard that the international certification company Safe Cert Group, which developed the CovidClean™ standard, was examining exactly how care and nursing homes work to maintain a hygienic environment and control infections, we immediately became very interested. We wanted to be assessed by an analytical, independent party and hopefully get a confirmation for the good infection control work we do”, says CEO Elisabet Keussen.

After providing evidence that necessary standards were in place (through production of various documents, verbal and written answers to questions and then an onsite inspection audit including operational routines concerning e.g. cohort care, protective equipment, washing and cleaning), Operations Manager Salar Amjadi and the team at Persikan care home in Akalla, were proudly awarded their CovidClean™ Certificate.

- “We were hit hard in the spring of 2020, but have not had a single one of our homes infected by Covid-19 since May last year. We are now celebrating 12 infection-free months with our CovidClean™ Certification”, concludes operations manager Salar Amjadi, beaming with joy.

- “It was with great concern that our elderly in care were subject to outbreak after outbreak of Covid-19. It was clear that we in Sweden had not originally prepared ourselves enough to protect our elderly. The Safe Care Homes CovidClean ™ Certification both assures compliance with routines to reduce the spread of infection and provides confidence for residents, relatives and employees. We also get the opportunity to share knowledge and good practice from other care homes. When we certified Persikan, it was gratifying to see a business that did its homework. We saw a care home with, among other things, good routines, good knowledge and enough protective equipment. A safe care home filled with joy”, says Joachim Törngård, CEO of Safe Cert Group.


Safe Cert Group is currently active in more than 70 countries and 170 cities worldwide and has since 2001 independently certified operations across a broad client base from a Safety and Security perspective. In response to the global covid-19 pandemic, clients expressed a desire to have their compliance with routines for hygiene and with reducing the spread of infection certified by an independent party. The CovidClean™ certification was developed to meet this demand. Based on the WHO and the CDC (Centers for Decease Control and Prevention) recommendations and quality reviewed by one of the world's leading professors in clinical virology, this certification is then adapted to meet specific criteria for each market. One of the operations that is certified is elderly care, which has been hit very hard by the pandemic.


Kavat Vård operates care and nursing homes with a difference. We provide high quality elderly care, catered to meet individual needs and preferences. Our homes have different profiles such as language, pet-friendly, hotel style service, city or close to nature, to name a few, so that our elderly can feel as much as home as possible.

We currently run 10 care homes in Stockholm and Norrtälje with room for 397 seniors and we plan to move on to certify the others as well. Our vision is to run care homes that we are proud of and would choose for ourselves.

Read more about Kavat Vård:



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