Our Certifications
We provide certification and standards that independently verify safety, security and hygiene within multiple business environments and sectors.
Our standards are based on best practice and consistency within each business sector and the local territory where a business is based.
We develop, monitor and update Certification standards through our team of international experts in safety, security and hygiene across the world.
Safety and Security Certification
Our Safety & Security Certifications include standards relating to:
On-site Property Safety & Security Walkthrough
Processes, Procedures, Training, Management & Organization
Security Systems, Equipment & Maintenance
Fire Systems, Equipment & Maintenance
Fire Training & Evacuation
Crisis Management & Emergency Response

Our CovidClean™ Certification is based on WHO and CDC guidelines, verified by a leading virologist and includes standards relating to:
Plans & Procedures
Preventative Actions
Training & Awareness
Cleaning, Hygiene & Health
Business Operations
Suspected Cases, Response & Containment
Covid Communications
Certification Benefits
Our Certification gives benefit to every business sector owner and operator we work with where safety, security and hygiene is valued.
Benefits include:
Increased customer preference, confidence and trust
Enhanced due diligence for employee duty of care
ROI on existing safety & security investment
Reduced number of liability claims and insurance premiums
Preference and differentiation produce increased sales & revenue